Monday, October 22, 2007

Revoked the Prize

Bad news. I guess the place where MomDad were getting their prize from decided not to give it to them after all. Dad says they are called the Stork Company and they reneged on their deal. That sucks. Mom's really sad right now but she's giving me and Scarlett lots of kisses and loves because it makes her feel better. She's a good Mom.

It snowed here yesterday! Yuck! It's so cold and it hurts my footses. But it sure was funny to watch Scarlett with her first encounter with snow! She ran and romped in it like a crazy pup and then barked at a tree for 10 minutes after a clump of snow fell off it and scared her. She's a loon! But today the sun is shining which makes the snow in the yard nice and crusty on the top. That's when I like to go out and explore while trying to stay afloat on top of the snow instead of sinking in deep. It's very hard work and it takes a lot of concentration but I'm pretty good at it. I only fall in every other step or so.

Today is trash day on our street. I hate trash day. Those big trucks sound like Thunderboomers to me. Here comes one now! I have to go hide behind the recliners. See ya!


Deefor said...

Hi Dobby
Sorry your MomDad didn't win the prize. Maybe next time. We had lots of snow too. Makes it difficult to find the perfect place to pee. Like Scarlett, Arrow had fun.


Go Rockies

Daisy said...

I do not like loud truck noises either. It makes me scairt when I am out in my stroller and I hide under my sleeping bag. But playing in the snow sounds fun!

I am very angry at the company for revoking the prize. Those doo-doo heads. (Please do not tell my Mommie that I said a bad word).

Poppy said...

I'm sorry about your prize. I'm sure you'll get one someday though. Have fun in the snow! I don't know what it is, but it sounds like it could be fun.


Deefor said...

Me again. I threw a powdery Colorado snowball at you. Go get it from my blog and pass it on.

Your pal

The Furry Kids said...

Sorry about that stoopid stork company revoking the prize. That stinks.
Garbage trucks are very, very askeery. I like to hide under the bed on garbage day.

Hugs and purrs to your mom and dad.


Kimo and Sabi said...

Yep - da Stork is kinda flaky that way. Tell yer beans to keep practicing fer da next test. Give yer beans lots of fuzzy hugs!