Saturday, June 16, 2007

Stinky Dog

Today, while I was outside "plopping" in the sun, I found a new perfume for myself! It was a musky scent reminiscent of zombie death and poop. Dad called it Eau de BLECH. I brought it inside to share it with MomDad and they whisked me away to the bathtub, calling me Stinky Dog.

First, Dad tried to kill me by give me a bath with my oatmeal shampoo. But I guess he didn't get all the perfume off because right after I was dried and happy to be out of the Tub O' Death, Mom grabbed me and put me back in! I couldn't believe it! TWO BATHS IN ONE DAY! I really am lucky to have escaped alive.

The bad news is I don't smell like Eau de BLECH anymore. The good news is I still remember where in the yard I found it! >:)


The Cat Realm said...

Oh, you poor thing!
That's the point with you dogs: you do not manage your staff correctly!
THEY have to do what YOU tell them - not the other way around!
At least that is how it works with cats and their personal - maybe you dogs are different...
We like to promote cross cultural exchanges, that is why we were really happy to see that a DOG stepped by at our site!
We hope you will come again, we will start a new Blogroll for dogs and put you on there as the first member!
We hope you come by again!
Karl and Anastasia

snowforest said...

Dobby thanx for stopping by at the cat blog - you are a wonderful dog - added u to the blogroll ~ hope you do the same :)