Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Some Things We Do Together

In my attempts at learning to live with Scarlett, I've decided to put her to good use. I've always wanted to play chase but the kitties never chase me. Mostly, they just run and hide from me. But I've gotten Scarlett (Mom says that Scarlett has gotten me) to play some fun games with me. Here they are...

First, there's Hide-and-Seek:

Then You-Chase-Me-I-Chase-You:

Then SmackDown:

And finally, Tug-O-War:

After we play, we need to get a drink and then hack a little bit:


Poppy said...

It sure looks like you have a lot of fun with Scarlett. Sometimes I wish I had a doggy sister to play chase with. And then sometimes I'm glad I'm the only dog--more spoiling that way!


Paula said...

Very cute doggie blog!
You two look like you are having so much fun!

Deefor said...

HI Dobby
Arrow plays too. When I don't want to play he sits and barks at me. I pretend I am sleeping to get him mad.


Daisy said...

I am so glad you are having fun with Scarlett.

Drink and Hack! Hahahahahah!

Karen Jo said...

I am glad that you and Scarlett are playing together now. Tug of War looks like a lot of fun. I used to play that with my brother's dog.

Candace Williams said...

Dobby, come over and we'll chase cats together! Uh, when Mommy and Daddy are gone, that is. Shhh!