Thursday, September 13, 2007

Now it's Mom's turn!

...Speaking of sickly tummies, Mom is sick right now with a hurt tummy. She has to go to her own vet and have a bunch of tests done. She doesn't feel like helping me blog much this week so I have to take a few days off. Especially I do because I am in charge of Scarlett while Mom is down. I must do things like I am doing in this picture: guarding the toy basket (because Scarlett likes to pull every toy out one by one and then not play with any of them!) and three boxes of cat litter (yum!). I'll be back in a few days.


Poppy said...

I hope your mom feels better soon. Maybe she ate some cat poop. That always makes my tummy feel funny...


Deefor said...

Taking care of your mom and Scarlett. You have a big job. Maybe some kibble would make her tummy feel better.


Daisy said...

Oh dear! I am sorry your mom is sick. You have some important things to do while she is not feeling well.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Hope yer momma feels better soon :)

Starbuck and Torrey said...

I hope you feel better soon. Purrs coming your way.

The Furry Kids said...

Guarding the litterbox is a very important job! Because then you can litterbox surf all you want. hee hee

We hope your mom feels better soon.
