Since Mom can't be here with us all day, though, she has to come home at lunchtime to let Scarlett out to pee. She says it's cuz she has a tiny baby bladder but I think it's just cuz she's got Mom wrapped around her little claw.
I think I'm starting to enjoy having Scarlett around more and more every day. I've gotten myself out of my "Grumpy-Old-Man-Saying-Get-Off-My-Lawn" stage pretty well. Now we play chase together at least three times a day. And even sometimes in bed with MomDad! Sometimes we fight over toys. I'll have a toy and then Scarlett will want it and take it from me (I let her have it cuz she's a baby). So I'll just go get another toy. But then she sees me with another toy and then she wants that toy instead so she'll come try to take it from me again. After a while, I am annoyed with this imbicile behavior so I growl and snarl at her, which just makes her bark like a banshee. We have found a small game called Tug-O-War that we sometimes play together. This is a nice compromise.
I've found that there is enough room on Dad's lap for both of us:
Though, sometimes I like to be by myself so MomDad got me a new bed. It's actually a cave. My cave. Like Batman.
Scarlett had to go to the vet today to get tortured. I guess you have to go a lot to get tortured by the vet when you are a puppy. I don't really remember when I was that small. Anyway, I told Scarlett I would go with her to keep her company and offer moral support but mostly I was secretly hoping to catch a glimpse of my beloved girlfriend Kat who is a nurse there. Horray! She was there! She gave Scarlett pretty good care but gave me some especially extra loves because I know she likes me best. She didn't even give me any shots or anything nasty today. Just kisses. Poor Scarlett got a bunch of shots all over. She did not like it.
Hi Dobby
Glad things are better with you and Scarlett. Even Arrow is fun at times. A pain in the tail other times.
I like your bat cave Dobby. Very stealthy! It looks like you are having lots of fun with your sister. I have a purple loofah dog just like yours, but my sissy's not into it. Probably because she's a cat!
Hi again Dobby!
Here is Mommy's oh-so-simple Frosty Heart recipe:
Soygurt (we use soy, but you could use regular yogurt too)
Peanut Butter (the all natural kind without sugar)
That's it! She just mixed about 2/3 soygurt and 1/3 PB together, using the microwave to help the PB get a little soft for the mixing. The she spooned it into the heart molds (from Ikea, by the way). Ta Da!!! Enjoy!
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