Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday's Feast

What is your favorite fruit?


Who is someone you consider as a great role model?

Mostly, my Dad. He is the Alpha Dog of me and so I do (almost) everything he tells me to do. He is very manly and so I try to be just as manly as he is. He rides a motorcycle and lights things on fire sometimes and he's not even afraid of thunderboomers. He is my hero.

If you were to spend one night anywhere within an hour of your home, where would you choose?

I would like to spend the night at MeatManBill's house. Every time I go to his house for family holidays, he feeds me lots of meats! Usually, he stands in the kitchen next to the counter full of food, pulls a big bite out with his fingers, and tears it in three pieces. He gives me and his own dog Rocky each a big piece and then he eats the last piece. He repeats this over and over and over until my tummy hurts and I have to go crawl to the corner to burp and digest in private. Plus, Rocky is a big fat sausage dog who shows me where all the extra treats are and how to sneakily eat them when the house is full of many family members - too busy to notice the Sausage Dog and ManDog eating from the trash in the garage or sneaking all of the bits of turkey that had been left out for the cats. I think if I could spend the night at MeatManBill's house I would get to eat at the dinner table I bet!

Main Course
Name something you do too often.

Chew on my ChickenLegs. I have these spindly little legs that are always itchy so I have to chew on them. MomDad call them chicken legs and I like to kick MomDad with them when we are asleep in bed at night. Sometimes I get so engrossed in the chewing of my ChickenLegs that I think I get into a trance and forget what I am doing. It is fun.

Fill in the blank: I really like __MeatManBill____ because __he feeds me real food so I don't have to survive solely on my spindly chicken legs_.


Daisy said...

Dobby, I like your spindly little legs.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Chicken?! Hahaha - yer legs do not look like chicken legs! When mommakitty wuz a little gurl, her grampi called her chicken legs!