My pal Deefor tagged me with some questions that I will now answer. Thank you Deefor:
1. Where is your favorite place to sleep? On the back of the couch, or
2. Is there a specific trick your humans make you do to get treats? They make me keep track of the calender and every month when the day is number 1, I tell them and they give me a treat which I think has heartworms in it but I'm not sure. And then every night at dinnertime, I whine at my food bowl and they give me a "Beast Pill" which tastes like beef but Mom says it has something called GLUE and TITANS in it. Yum. (Mom here. It's glucosamine chondriton for his joints. NOT GLUE!)
3. If you could spend an entire day doing anything at all with anyone what would do and with whom? I would spend the whole day walking with Dad at the outdoor mall where I can meet lots of peoples and some nice small dogs.
4. What is your favorite toy? My Monkey and my Harley and my Buffalo and my Beesh and my LongDog and my puppy nubby ball and my cat toys. All of them are my favorites.
5. If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be? I would like to change my kitchen like give it a makeover for better accessibility. I'd first make the kitchen countertops lower to the ground by, oh, say, 4 feet or so. Then I'd take the doors and drawer cover things off of the fridge for easier access. Knock out all the shelves and doors to the pantry and just pile all the foods there in the middle. And sell the dining table so MomDad could just eat on the floor with me. That would be perfect. I'll go get the phone book if you tell me how to spell contractors.
Dobby, you have some good ideas about kitchen remodeling!
Low counters sound good. And no doors on the magic box. I like that.
Hi, Dobby
Nice to meet you. Thanks for sharing those things about you. This way we can know you better.
Have a nice day
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